Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How far from the focus to the expertise?

"Our success is built on a professional team, keep improving the quality awareness and quality of service and service attitude basis, we must first find a suitable market segments and solutions, and then focused to do so, consistently, so deep to do through. "This is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner - Shanghai Grape City Information Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as grape City) Vice President Lee said in an interview are the words, which is the grape has always been adhering to the corporate philosophy of the city.

Technology first, focus on the professional achievements

Grape City into China since 1988, has always focused on technology development, focused on production and sales enterprise, specializing in IT technology play a greater value in the customer service role. It is this focus, the professional achievements of the grape City, Shideputao City as a software company, Microsoft's China region through the first CMMI 4 绾?(software Yanfa Capability Maturity Model) Certified Partner.

As a foreign-funded enterprises to enter China since the beginning of grape City, location is very clear focus on the Microsoft platform-based software development, implementation and training services. In the years of technical development and implementation based on the technical strength not only continue to strengthen, the customer is also deepening the understanding of business, customer service experience is enriched. Years of dedicated, accumulated enough resources and strength. Grape City in transition to provide customers with integrated solutions to their technology, services, advantages more fully into play. Grape City in many cases, we can see the advantages of its technology brings unique value to customers.

For example in 2007, in the implementation of a Fortune 500 client MOSS (Enterprise Information Portal) solution of the project, the city successfully grape existing customers in more than 20 different types of systems to the MOSS platform set under the goal of the system integration and to help clients achieve IT efficiency. In this project, more than 20 system integration, both technically and from the coordination of the existing system provider, has a great challenge.

In order to give full play to the role of MOSS platform, organized the city's grape technical consultant also carried out a number of technical breakthroughs, while the power company's technology organization to coordinate efforts to solve MOSS Microsoft technical support for multi-system integration issues, on the other hand the technology Consultants are divided into several groups, coordination of client resources, respectively, a provider of a way to communicate with the existing system to address the issue of integration of various systems. In many system providers to communicate with, the grape is not only the city's technical consultant demonstrated superb communication skills, but also to the customer's understanding, mastery of each system to win customer trust and praise.

Grape City in focus, while also continue to sum up the common customer needs, with targeted product development. It is understood that being a city built entirely on grape MOSS platform workflow product research and development, this product can significantly reduce the user based on the MOSS platform workflow system implementation and development costs. For business users and IT departments can conduct its own business process design, greatly reduce the learning cost and the learning curve.棰勬湡灏嗗湪浠婂勾7銆?鏈堜唤鍦ㄤ腑鍥藉競鍦烘帹鍑恒?

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